Apr 22, 2009

Sun bonnets, tomatoes, and sketches oh my!

Haven't been very good at sitting at the desk today... too busy gardening! I got to wear my new sun bonnet I made and plant some more tomatoes.
Here is my bonnet!

And here are my tomatoes!

I learned how to plant them this way several places on the 'net, but here is a good page: Upside-down tomatoes (or whatever) in a 2 Liter bottle
Apparently this is the DIY recycling version of the "Topsy Turvy" thing. And it doesn't cost a bunch of money, either. I hope they grow nicely! I do need to find a sunnier place to hang them -- my mom is bringing me an old wooden ladder and I think I'll hang the tomatoes from it in some sunny spot. There are still two baby plants who need planters...
I've been trying to sketch more lately, even if I don't get to the actual painting. I've been clamming up an awful lot on the art scene this past month, and I think part of this is due to ignoring my little inner artist's need to play on paper (or wherever) without that PRESSURE to create soemthing that will sell! I really, truly need to have that non-pressure time. I also really truly need to remember this fact.
Anyway, here's a sketch:

And, this is the sketch for the painting I'm currently doing for Illustration Friday:

Have to get my butt in gear and finish it!


Kristina Layton said...

Oh, I love your bonnet! I bet it looks adorable on you! :) The sketches are so fun (little bits of your imagination, I love the fairy's skirt full of wind) and the finished piece is wonderful, too. The dreaming birds are really neat!

Fotf said...

I love that upside down tomato planter idea, i must remember that